Thank you for the support

(17 September 2023) Thank you for everyone’s kind and supportive reactions to my last post about my anxiety. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions Friday and then even more after posting it.

I couldn’t read many of the comments or replies yesterday, I was feeling too.. exposed is only kind of the right word, because I don’t regret posting it at all, but yes a little exposed so I needed to go slowly with reading the comments but truely, thank you all and I will reply to everyone personally during the week.

I forgot to mention that some calm hobbies have also been really helpful for my anxiety. I’ve been spending a lot more time in my garden growing fresh foods, mostly for my lunch salads (I’m focusing on good nutrition too) but also other easy vegetables and fruit. And I’ve been reading a lot more. I tried to replace a lot of the time I was spending on my phone with time reading books. Getting caught up in a good story helps me put aside spiralling negative thoughts and less time being subconsciously influenced by scrolling on social media is never a bad thing. These simple and cheap activities are things I can do at home, in any weather with any length of time and really help me.

In relation to my business, I was asked a question a few months ago about whether the medication has affected my creativity at all.

If anything the medication has helped remove so much of the mental noise and anguish from my head that I can focus clearer on the 🦋creative idea butterflies🦋 flying around. I can organise my business admin easier, leaving more time for being inspired and I’ve been dealing with the little blows to my business better.

So no, medication hasn’t taken anything from me as a creative.

I’m not sure if I’m going to regularly post about my anxiety or not. It feels right to do now and if it helps people then I can try to continue to show up in this way.. but pics of pretty mugs will continue to be this pages’ priority. But it’s nice to remember we’re all human behind the styled pictures.

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