Christmas mental health check-in with myself

Mental health check in with myself during my busiest time of year.

This morning during yoga class I realised just how tired and sore my body is after the last month of work. The last month has been the biggest sales month my business has had to date which is incredible, I’m so thrilled you all love The Calm Mugs, throw in the usual Christmas rush too.
So I’m sitting in stillness and review for a few minutes before I pop to the shops for groceries (the downside of a weekend jam packed with markets is we missed our weekly farmers market shopping) and then a full day in the studio before a parent committee meeting and end of year dinner tonight.

Ramping up sales and therefore production is difficult for a one-woman show like my business and with that comes longer hours, more anxiety and pressure on myself to ensure longterm success of this product. The idea that ‘the only person who can cause this to fail is me’ keeps running through my head…

But actually, thanks in a large part to my anxiety medication which I have been taking for a full year now, I am coping really well.
I also have to credit my exercise routine, yoga, reading books instead of scrolling and healthy eating. Having these positive things to focus on gives me small moments of calm and purpose outside of my business each day.

Having my anxiety under control allowed me to make a huge decision recently and easily go through the process of interviewing and finding a studio assistant who has come onboard this week. It also means that after a long day and often evening in the studio I can go to bed and actually fall into sleep. Unlike previously where insomnia would have kicked in the second I tried to switch off from my to-do lists.

I’ve still got a few busy weeks left before a break over Christmas so I’m really grateful to be in this headspace finally where I can navigate my anxiety through the highs and lows of small business life. It feels very empowering.

Have you checked in with yourself lately?

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